-- Gemini Inno Studio
-- Me Gemini

Email: megemini@outlook.com

Go Brick -- Tips!

TIPS = {

    [1] = {

        EN = "Fill the board from the bottom-left to the up-right, row by row.",

        CH = "从左下方至右上方填充砖块,逐行递升。",


    [2] = {

        EN = "Swipe left or right to move your hero.",

        CH = "左右滑动从而移动您的英雄。",


    [3] = {

        EN = "Swipe up to jump over obstacles.",

        CH = "向上滑动从而跳过障碍。",


    [4] = {

        EN = "Swipe down to drop the brick or obstacle.",

        CH = "向下滑动从而使砖块或障碍物快速落下。",


    [5] = {

        EN = "3 bricks will disturb to fill the board after each certain period of time.",

        CH = "每间隔一段时间,会有3个砖块填充进来。",


    [6] = {

        EN = "Press the brick-button to fill one brick immediately.",

        CH = "点击砖块按钮从而快速填充一个砖块。",


    [7] = {

        EN = "Each level upgraded will receive 3 bricks as a bonus.",

        CH = "每提升1个等级,将会获得3个砖块作为奖励。",


    [8] = {

        EN = "Each round played, you have a chance to get bonus.",

        CH = "每局都有机会获得奖励。",


    [9] = {

        EN = "Each level upgraded comes a bad bricks rush.",

        CH = "每提升1个等级,会有一大波障碍来袭。",


    [10] = {

        EN = "Indicator helps you to find the place to fill immediately.",

        CH = "指示器会帮助您快速发现填充的位置。",


    [11] = {

        EN = "Continue-to-play helps you restart with half bricks cleared up.",

        CH = "复活按钮会帮助您快速重新开始游戏,并且消除掉一半的砖块。",


    [12] = {

        EN = "When 10 lines are cleared up, the game enters a new level.",

        CH = "每消除掉10行,便会升高一级。",


    [13] = {

        EN = "Clear 1 line scores 10 points, 2 - 20,3 - 40 and 4 lines - 80 points. ",

        CH = "消1行得10分,2行20分,3行40分,4行80分。",


    [14] = {

        EN = "The number of your hero shows the current level.",

        CH = "英雄上的数字显示的是当前的等级。",


    [15] = {

        EN = "Break your record and the hero's number becomes red.",

        CH = "打破游戏记录的时候,英雄上的数字会变为红色。",


    [16] = {

        EN = "Do NOT touch the black brick.",

        CH = "不要碰触黑色的砖块。",


    [17] = {

        EN = "The higher level you reached, the faster the bricks added and droped.",

        CH = "等级越高,砖块增加和下落的越快。",


    [18] = {

        EN = "The higher you reached, the shorter the bricks disturbed filling the board.",

        CH = "等级越高,砖块扰乱棋盘的时间越短。",



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